
Hello and thanks for stopping by my blog!

I am Nicola, an Italian who has always been obsessed with saving money. Many would call me cheap, and over the years I have become even more frugal—though from my perspective, I’d say I’ve improved!

Thanks to this mindset, I have been able to visit over 40 countries across 4 continents, all on a limited budget.

Pedra De Gavea a Rio de Janeiro. Pedra de Gavea, Rio de Janeiro.

How can I help my readers?

“Aren’t you afraid to travel alone?”

“How can you afford to travel for so long?”

These are probably the most common questions I have been asked over the years. To the first, I answer yes, I was afraid, but not anymore. That fear transforms into excitement every time I am about to leave. To the second question, I reply that with the right discipline and adaptability, one can travel for a long time without spending a fortune. In this blog, I will share the tricks of the trade and offer practical advice to inspire and help my readers travel adventurously, economically, and independently.

Viaggio in moto percorrendo il Vietnam da Nord a Sud.Somewhere in the north of Vietnam.

I firmly believe that to make a trip memorable, it is not necessary to sleep in a luxury hotel or fly first class. What truly makes a trip unforgettable are the people you meet along the way and the experiences you have.

This blog is for all those travelers, or would-be travelers, who are looking for inspiration and practical advice. For many, the idea of traveling the world for even a couple of months will remain a lifelong dream. However, the fact that you are reading this post already puts you on the right track. I hope you can find inspiration and the right tips to start a journey to remember forever.

Remember, twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.

Stop putting off the trip you’ve been dreaming of; the “right” time will never come.

Get my best tips and tricks!

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